Thursday, January 12, 2012

ARRG! and Other Frustrating Things.

The Pirate Bay. It's a gift to the lonely, to the poor, to the stingy, to the 99% and to those of us who live outside the US and can't get any good tv-shows, or at least not anywhere close to up to date. Most shows airing here in the Netherlands are at least one and a half seasons behind. Some shows we can get only 6 months after original air dates, but they are only available om Film1, a channel that costs 15 euros extra per month. I for one, LOVE the Pirate Bay. It's my number one go to website if I end up home alone on a night without much of anything to do. 

Tonight I was supposed to go to Kickfit at the Gym with my roommate and another friend. Roommate isn't coming because she's staying in the Hague overnight with her boyfriend. Then, the friend cancelled. Therefore, I am no longer going to the gym. I've already been twice this week and am going again tomorrow. Tonight was more of a "gezelligheids" gym plan than a personal one. So, I try to make other plans. Naturally, they were doomed to fail. You see, when people cancel only a few hours before the planned meeting, there's usually very few people still available to make new plans with. 

So is the case today. I called around, everyone's already doing something. Makes sense; it's a thursday and it's weeky roleplay night for most of the boys. 

I hate people that cancel. Especially people that cancel without a legit excuse. Sure, sometimes things get in the way of plans, but usually people find out about these kinds of conflicts well ahead of time. It's even worse if people lie about the reason, or if they state no reason at all. Or if they just don't show up and then apologize for forgetting to cancel afterwards. 

What makes cancellations even worse... Court ordered ISP blockade of the Pirate Bay. Yes really. This lovely progressive, open-minded, liberal place I live in has somehow managed to do the unimaginable: Internet censorship. It's a bit backwards if you ask me. You see, in this country, it's not illegal to download for "home-use". It's only illegal to seed, that is, to spread the content beyond the "home". So where exactly does blocking the sites make any sense? And what are they trying to accomplish? Even some of the local artists are saying "I see downloading as a new movement in the way people express their appreciation, and you shouldn't be against new developments in the appreciation for music. Twitter, youtube, and downloading are important media in the music industry today, and we need to embrace them." They agree that back in the 70's the same amount of success would have translated into a hell of a lot more cash, but they're still getting plenty. 

Thing is, it's only Ziggo and XS4ALL that were ordered to block the Pirate Bay, so it's not everybody. Unfortunately, I really like my Ziggo and I hate that now I'm being forced to switch to a different ISP, because obviously that it what everyone is going to do now. 

I know I am, because I can't stand to imagine how many more nights of cancelled plans I'll have to spend on the couch, by myself, watching reruns of Will and Grace and Bring it On. 

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