Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Home, Birthdays, Lightroom and ultimately, Photos

Got home yesterday and didn't get much rest because I headed straight to a birthday party that I had not expected to be home in time for. Happy 24th birthday once again Liz ;) It's a funny thing celebrating your 30th (I mean, 24th, of course) birthday when you have friends that have babies, as well as friends that are quite single. The result of a sunday afternoon get-together is a large table of young people, 3 babies and 2 entirely separated conversationsl one surrounding general parenating and goo-goo-ga-ga like subjects, and the other discussing pretty much anything BUT that. 

I guess the times when we start reaching our thirties (and I use " we" loosely, as I have only just turned 24 today myself) are the time we start seeing that shift from young to old. Your first wedding of someone actually close to you, the first babies, the first mortgages. It's a time of firsts all around you while you stare blankly at the growing amount of candles on the cake and wonder "what did I accomplish in my 20s?" and realise the single, childless, renting, soul-searching types are starting to become the minorty. 

Spent most of today having lunch at the same restaurant, this time not in the presence of my friends' babies, but with my dad and brother in celebration of my very own 24th birthday. Tried to shop a bit but ultimately failed, and spent the evening surprised by some friends who showed up for coffee and cake; secretively supplied by Nemo, who more than adequately hid the plans from me and managed to make me feel alone and forgotten for a minute as I started to think everyone already had plans and I would be spending my 24th birthday as an old lonely spinster, just without cats. As the people with real jobs left, I gravitated towards my PC and loaded my Italy photos into lightroom. I LOVE lightroom, and I should mention , that as the kind of photographer that takes 36GB worth of photos in 2 weeks, I promote buying far too many extra SD cards to avoid needing to slow down your trigger-finger and become mroe selective as you go, and even contemplating switching to JPG instead of RAW as your last SD card is getting full and the little display on the camera starts telling you you only have room for 40 more images as you sit down for lunch in Milano, with a few hundred more sights to go. 

Anyway, the result is here, and I will gladly share with you a small selection of images taken in Italy. (also, I added a photo to my previous post Sirmione that i wrote in Italy before I could access my photos. Remind me to save up for a new laptop that I can install lightroom on.)

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